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Looking for a society that offers activities in English?

Here you’ll find the UCPH associations that have information publicly available in English. If you want to know what language the specific association’s activities is held in, please ask the association in question directly, either via email or their social media profiles.

For each association you will find their website address, email for contacting them and information about what campus and faculty + association the association cater to. You can also see what themes the association do activities within. For some associations the English information text appears under the Danish. Click the association to see the full available information.

We hope you find activities and associations that suits your interests, and hope you have fun joining.



Dette er Fysik på KUs upcoming og traditionsrige løbeklub


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Købmagergade 52
1150 København K


Vores mission er, at samle alle de mange studenterdrevne foreninger på tværs af Københavns Universitet, ét sted.

Vi vil gerne gøre det nemt for dig som studerende at finde lige præcis dét fællesskab, som passer til dine interesser!

Det er nemlig ikke nogen hemmelighed, at foreningslivet har haft store udfordringer med at holde gang i de sociale og faglige fællesskaber, særligt under Corona. Derfor er Studenterrådet ved KU, Studenterhuset og Københavns Universitet gået sammen om, at styrke foreningslivet på tværs at KU.

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